
Labor celebrates the passage of citywide MHA in Seattle

March 18, 2019

Contact: Charles Lapham, MLK Labor Communications Director
503-713-3032, Charles@MLKLabor.org

MHA Will Bring Affordable Housing to Thousands of Working-Class Seattleites

Labor celebrates the passage of citywide MHA in Seattle

(SEATTLE) — MLK Labor Executive Secretary-Treasurer Nicole Grant issued the following statement after the Seattle City Council passed citywide MHA.

“Housing is the number one cost that burdens working-class families in Seattle. Mandatory Housing Affordability will bring relief to thousands of families and prepare our region for continued inclusive economic growth.”

“Labor has universally supported increasing housing options because our housing crisis is pricing far too many out of the city they call home. MHA is the beginning, not the end. As workers flock to our region, we need to continue exploring equitable ways to increase density and bring down the cost of housing.”


MLK Labor (formerly the Martin Luther King County Labor Council) is the central body of labor organizations in King County, Washington. We are affiliated with the National AFL-CIO, the central labor organization in the United States, representing more than 13 million working people. We represent more than 150 unions and 100,000 workers. United, we are a voice for the interests and needs of working people in King County.

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