
Resolution in Support of Big 5 Legislative Priorities to Fully Fund Our Schools By Fixing Our Unfair Tax Code

October 17, 2024

WHEREAS, The Washington State Constitution uniquely declares: “It is the paramount duty of the state to make ample provision for the education of all children residing within its borders, without distinction or preference on account of race, color, caste, or sex.”  Yet, Statewide, school districts are facing historic budget deficits, a fiscal cliff legislators knew was coming but took limited action to address last session.

WHEREAS, Our school funding formula inequitably allocates funds to districts across the state. Areas with lower property values pay higher tax rates but still cannot generate as much revenue as the wealthier districts can. Washington is ranked 49th in terms of equitable taxation, meaning we have one of the most regressive tax codes in the country. The richer you are, the lower a percentage of your wealth is taxed.

WHEREAS, Federally, education spending is under threat, with the U.S. House pushing forward legislation that would lead to a 14% cut overall to education.

WHEREAS, WASA is calling for the “The Big 3” Legislative Platform and WSSDA’s 2024 report include addressing the inequity of our prototypical funding model and revenue options.

WHEREAS, University of Washington Professor on Education Finance Policy, David Knight has endorsed “The Big 5 Legislative Priorities” for the 2025 Legislative Session and published an op-ed in the Seattle Times. Parents, students, educators, experts, and advocates statewide are calling for legislators to support the Big 5 plan for equitable school funding and school revenue to ensure our schools are fully funded.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the MLK Labor Council recommends WSLC support a robust menu of progressive revenue options that will directly support public education, amongst other public services, informed by the Balance Our Tax Code Coalition.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the MLK Labor Council recommends WSLC support legislation, in alignment with the Washington Education Association legislative agenda, that would expand upon Senator Noble’s SB 6253 of the 2024 legislative session, a bill that would have brought more money to students in higher-poverty school districts.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the MLK Labor Council recommends WSLC  support further legislation that address the structural inequities of our funding allocation model, including substantial increases to the compensation of the classified staff who keep our schools running.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the MLK Labor Council calls upon our state labor council, local affiliates, and electeds at all levels to call upon the Washington State Legislature to wholeheartedly support passing legislation that will increase equitable funding for K-12 schools and enact progressive revenue.

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