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Deli Clerk
M.B. Skagg’s value vision still drives Safeway, though on a dramatically larger scale. Today, Safeway operates as a banner of Albertsons Companies, one of the largest food and drug retailers in the United States. With both a strong local presence and national scale, the company operates stores across 35 states and the District of Columbia under 20 well-known banners. Albertsons Companies is committed to helping people across the country live better lives by making a meaningful difference, neighborhood by neighborhood. In 2017 alone, along with the Albertsons Companies Foundation, the company gave nearly $300 million in food and financial support. These efforts helped millions of people in the areas of hunger relief, education, cancer research and treatment, programs for people with disabilities and veterans outreach.
Local 76-493 is a collective of musicians. We have been a membership organization since 1890, administered by elected officers and an elected board of directors. Our goals are to communicate to each other about workplace needs, professional desires and collective power, educate each other about our rights, responsibilities and union power, facilitate obtaining those rights in our lives, organize for collective bargaining, and raise the public’s awareness of the value of music and musicians.
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