Becoming A Delegate

What is a Delegate

Delegates are the foundation of MLK Labor.

As a worker-run organization, MLK Labor is comprised of hundreds of delegates representing the organizations within the labor community. Each organization has a number of delegates relative to their size within King County. From electing leadership to voting on resolutions, delegates are the foundation of MLK Labor.

Becoming an MLK Labor Delegate

Each MLK Labor-affiliated organization has a specific number of delegates related to the size of their membership. If you are a member of an affiliated union in King County and interested in becoming an MLK Labor Delegate, please call your union office.

The Delegate pledge

At their first meeting, each Delegate is asked to take the pledge as follows:

I, __________________, pledge to abide by the rules and regulations of this M. L. King County Labor Council and, to the best of my ability, perform all the duties I may be called on to discharge as a delegate of this Council. I also pledge that I will patronize union products and services when available and that I will qualify myself to vote in all local, state and federal elections.