Seeking Our Endorsement

Are you running for office in King County and seeking labor’s endorsement?

MLK Labor endorses candidates for municipal and judicial races in King County. If you are a candidate seeking an endorsement for the current election cycle, please contact Corina Yballa to schedule an interview and request a questionnaire.

Affiliated unions have their own processes. Contact them directly if you are seeking their endorsement. A list of local unions can be obtained from the Washington State Labor Council, which has a list of unions statewide on its website.

Running for office in a state or federal race?

MLK Labor only makes endorsements in municipal and judicial races in King County. If you are seeking a labor endorsement in a state (including the state legislature) or federal race, please contact Cherika Carter, Political and Strategic Campaign Director of the Washington State Labor Council.

What is the MLK Labor endorsement process?

Every candidate seeking an endorsement must complete a questionnaire and be interviewed by MLK Labor Delegates.

Once interviews are completed, the MLK Labor Executive Board will consider making a recommendation for endorsement. This recommendation requires a 2/3 vote of the Board. Endorsements are based on the candidate’s voting record, viability, attitude, interview, and completed questionnaire.

Any recommendation made by the Board will be forwarded to the MLK Labor delegate body. Delegates meet on the third Wednesday of each month and endorsements may be made only at these meetings. It requires a 2/3 vote of the delegate body to confirm an endorsement recommendation made by the Board.

Any motion for endorsement made from the floor of the meeting without a recommendation from the Board will be brought back to the delegate body at the subsequent meeting. Once an endorsement has been made, no further interviews will be held in that race, except in extenuating circumstances, which will be considered on a case-by-case basis.