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Door knocking for Alexis Mercedes Rinck and Seattle Prop. 1
Union members are invited to join us on Saturday, October 26 at 10 am for a canvass supporting Alexis Mercedes Rinck (Seattle City Council) and Seattle Proposition 1. The canvass […]
Door knocking for Alexis Mercedes Rinck and Seattle Prop. 1
Union members are invited to join us on Saturday, November 2 at 10 am for a canvass supporting Alexis Mercedes Rinck (Seattle City Council) and Seattle Proposition 1. The canvass […]
November Delegate Meeting
Seattle Labor Temple 5030 1st Ave South, Seattle, WA, United StatesThe November Delegate Meeting will be on 11/20/24 at 6 pm at the Seattle Labor Temple (5030 1st Ave. South, Seattle)