
April Virtual Delegates Meeting

Our April delegates meeting will be held virtually over Zoom. If you aren't familiar with Zoom, this is a free video-conferencing program. You'll need to download the program on your phone or computer here: https://zoom.us/support/download The meeting will be at the normal delegates meeting time: next Wednesday, April 15, at 6 PM. If you can join us, […]

May Delegates Meeting

Our May delegates meeting will be held over Zoom. Please register in advance for the meeting here: https://aflcio.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJApcOmppzwsEtzJ6KOOrNPdHJedJn-ZnhYz

June Delegates Meeting

Our June delegates meeting will have an opportunity to meet the Union members running for office in Washington State.

August Delegates Meeting

The August Delegates Meeting will be held over Zoom. Please register here: https://aflcio.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEofuGrqjgrHNOB9Gu-XC0SUe9V7VxsD46q

Support Request Form

Need help? Whether you need technical assistance using the site or require language support to apply for jobs, you can use this form to submit a support request and someone from our team will follow up.

Please note that you may be asked to provide additional information to assess your eligibility for job application assistance and other support.