January Delegates Meeting
The January Delegates Meeting will be held over Zoom. Register for the meeting here: https://aflcio.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0ldO2qqTssEtKjgtH55rrUHvN2Uo_QqRoj
February Delegates Meeting
The February Delegates Meeting will be held over Zoom. Register for the meeting here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUlfuGsrj4jHNBre16GMvam0XYlQ319lKi_
March Delegates Meeting
The March Delegates Meeting will be held over Zoom. Register for the meeting here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAtcumpqzgpHtERUXcvJBFu4XY2bawBUeVw
Call out Kroger’s Greed and Store Closures
On Thursday, April 8, essential frontline grocery workers, community members, and supporters in California and Washington will host a symbolic “donation collection” in front of stores set to close, to help raise funds for the top supermarket chain in the country to pay its workers temporary hazard pay and call on Kroger to keep stores […]
April Delegates Meeting
The April Delegates Meeting will be held over Zoom. Register for the meeting here: TBD