MLK Labor Cuts Ties with SPOG

June 21, 2020

On Wednesday, June 17, MLK Labor delegates voted to expel the Seattle Police Officer’s Guild from the labor council. After the vote, Executive Secretary-Treasurer Nicole Grant issued the following statement.

“As a union movement, it’s our responsibility to fight for all forms of justice. In the Martin Luther King County Labor Council, we believe that there can be no justice without racial justice. Any union that is part of our labor council needs to be actively working to dismantle racism in their institution and society at large. Unfortunately, the Seattle Police Officer’s Guild has failed to do that work and are no longer welcome in our council.

Since the killing of George Floyd, communities of color in Seattle and around the United States have spoken loud and clear that the status quo will no longer be tolerated. We have listened to our community and responded by doing the right thing.”