
MLK Labor Endorses Seattle School Levies

December 13, 2018

Contact: Charles Lapham, MLK Labor Communications Director
503-713-3032, Charles@MLKLabor.org

MLK Labor Endorses Seattle Public School Levies

(Seattle, WA) — The MLK Labor Executive Board has voted unanimously to endorse the two Seattle Public School Levies, Propositions 1 and 2, that will appear on the February 12, 2019 ballot: the Educational Programs and Operations (EP&O) and Building Excellence V (BEX V) Capital Levies.

The renewal of the EP&O levy funds essential day-to-day operations for Seattle Public Schools and fill in the gaps not covered by state and federal funds. The BEX V levy will improve safety and security and replace aging schools.

After the endorsement, MLK Labor Executive Secretary-Treasurer Nicole Grant issued the following statement:

“Seattle’s workers are voting for the Education Levies in February because we know there is no better investment than in our children. These levies will keep the lights on in Seattle schools and fund critical services like special education. In 2018, voters chose overwhelmingly to support the Families and Education levy to provide free community college to all students and affordable preschool to thousands of children. Now it’s time to continue this momentum by voting ‘YES’ on the Seattle Public School Levies.”

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