Resources for Workers Impacted by the Concrete Strike

March 15, 2022

If you have been impacted by the King County Concrete Strike, the Labor Community is here to help.

Workers stand united to help each other during hard times. An injury to one is an injury to all!

Unemployment questions:

If you have questions about your unemployment insurance benefits, visit or contact the WSLC unemployment expert in your region.

King/Snohomish County: Emmanuel Flores

Eastern Washington: Rachel McAloon 

Pierce County, Southwest Washington, Olympic Peninsula: Chelsea Mason-Placek

Union jobs:

MLK Labor has created a tool to connect people to union jobs in King County. Visit to find a job today.

Cash assistance:

The Washington State Labor Council created the Foundation for Working Families to provide direct cash assistance to people in times of need. Assistance is usually sent within two weeks and averages $200-$300 per family. To apply for assistance, email or visit

Food assistance:

The Puget Sound Labor Agency is Labor’s Food Bank. They are located at 5300 4th Ave S and are open to all on Monday and Wednesday from 10 am – 1 pm. Visit for more information