Voters Elect Pro-Worker Candidates Up and Down the Ballot

November 6, 2019

Contact: Charles Lapham, MLK Labor Communications Director

Seattle Voters Elect Pro-Worker Candidates Up and Down the Ballot

With many ballots left to be counted, King County election results painted a partial picture of who will govern Seattle, King County, and local municipalities across our region.

In Seattle, voters appear to have elected all five labor-endorsed candidates: Herbold, Morales, Juarez, Strauss, and Lewis (pending late returns). The Labor Council did not make an endorsement in District 3 and 4.

MLK Labor Executive Secretary-Treasurer Nicole Grant issued the following statement following Tuesday’s results.

“We all do better when elected officials are accountable to working people — not corporations and special interests. Seattle voters made it clear that our city is not for sale. This election showed Seattle’s deep support for labor values by electing pro-worker candidates up and down the ballot.”

“Regrettably, statewide results show the disaster that is I-976 on track to pass. This initiative will kill jobs and make our state worse off. It’s now the job of elected leaders across the state to fill this massive funding gap and continue building our infrastructure. Hopefully, late ballot returns will push Referendum 88 to pass and reverse Tim Eyman’s racist ban on affirmative action.”


MLK Labor is the central body of labor organizations in King County, Washington. We represent more than 150 unions and 100,000 workers. United, we are a voice for the interests and needs of working people in King County.