
Resolution on Public Defense Standards

October 17, 2024

WHEREAS, MLK Labor has repeatedly affirmed its commitment to anti-racism and non-violent, non-coercive solutions to public safety concerns; and

WHEREAS, Washington’s Supreme Court, Office of Public Defense, and State Bar Association have recognized that Washington’s public defense system faces imminent collapse; and 

WHEREAS, the Washington Legislature has not provided adequate funding to assist Washington’s cities and counties in meeting their obligation to provide constitutionally effective public defense services; and

WHEREAS, Washington’s public defenders, including unionized defenders, are currently required to represent far more clients than they can effectively defend; and 

WHEREAS, MLK Labor Council delegates include public defense attorneys, investigators, and support staff, as well as representatives from social service organizations serving criminalized communities; and 

WHEREAS, the Washington State Bar Association overwhelmingly recommended that the Washington Supreme Court adopt new public defense standards significantly reducing public defender caseloads and implement those standards within three years; and 

WHEREAS, the proposed standards would also require significant increases in vitally necessary public defense support staff; and 

WHEREAS, thousands of working Washingtonians—including, disproportionately, Washingtonians of color—cannot afford to pay exorbitant legal fees and must rely on Washington’s public defense system; and 

WHEREAS, Washington’s current overburdened public defense system is incapable of protecting Washingtonians’ fundamental rights under both the Washington and Federal Constitutions; and

WHEREAS, it is the Labor Council’s mission to further the cause of social justice throughout our community, including by ensuring that Washingtonians’ fundamental rights are protected; now, 

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that MLK Labor agrees that public defense is a vital component of our criminal legal system, and supports the Washington State Bar Association’s proposed public defense standards, support the proposed three-year implementation timeline, and support increased statewide funding for public defense; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that MLK Labor will recommend to the Washington State Labor Council to send a letter stating this position to the Washington State Supreme Court, the King County delegation to the Washington Legislature, and all MLK Labor Affiliates via email.

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