
Resolution to support crucial City of Seattle services and jobs  

October 17, 2024

WHEREAS, PROTEC17 represents thousands of City of Seattle workers who are committed to providing crucial services to the people of Seattle. These services are extensive and include everything from ensuring we have access to clean water, public spaces such as parks, pools and community centers, utilities for our homes, transportation and mobility through our neighborhoods, youth and family support, housing, and much more.

WHEREAS, we acknowledge the massive deficit ($250million) that the Mayor and City Council are grappling with in order to balance a budget that meets the many needs of the city.

WHEREAS, The Mayor’s proposed budget includes significant cuts or elimination of the following services that represents elimination of over 70 union positions: 

  • Elimination of the Environment Education staff and a proposal to privatize this work, eliminating popular programming and services to Seattle families. 
  • Vital positions in Finance and Administration 
  • Seattle Department of Construction and Inspection, which assist the public with issuing permits and navigating the process for much needed density.
  • Community Engagement staff, that provide transparency, connection, and much needed community outreach regarding policing and public safety in our neighborhoods. 
  • Land Use Planners that ensure changes to our neighborhoods serve the people, and are safe and accessible. 
  • Positions in the Office of Labor Standards and Office of Civil Rights that uphold a process for accountability and justice 
  • And many, many others

WHEREAS, these cuts are unnecessary and the City must not balance the budget on the backs of workers. There are other options to direct the revenue needed to uphold these positions, particularly ones that would experience layoffs as soon as January of 2025.

WHEREAS, All budgeting options to maintain these jobs have not yet been explored or adequately considered, and every option must be taken into account before eliminating union jobs.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that MLK Labor will support union workers and PROTEC17 members and the work they do at the City of Seattle through direct communication, general support, and a letter to the City Council and the Mayor’s office.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the above communication will include:

  • No layoffs
  • Re-balance the budget to prioritize working people and the crucial services they provide utilizing other funds, such as the Emergency Fund or Revenue Stabilization Fund among other options.
  • Find new sources of progressive revenue to uphold the priorities of the people of Seattle. 

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