Let us help you get connected to the right union to find out more. All information you share with us is kept 100% confidential.
Unions are about workers coming together to have a voice on the job. You set the priorities and improvements you want to see made at work, we help you make them happen. Together, we can raise the standards at your workplace and make what you like about your job even better.
Here’s what we are hearing Mariners workers want to see improved:
You like the perks that come with your job but you also want to see more of them. Forming a union will provide you a voice at work to negotiate for things like discounts in merchandise and more game tickets.
Working during COVID-19 brings increased concerns about health and safety. You want to ensure you are kept safe at work – a union will make sure of that and bring accountability to the workplace.
Your co-workers have told us they would to see a union advocate for more customer service training, de-escalation training, so they can have all the tools they need to be succesful in doing their jobs
Did you know many Mariners workers are unionized? From the players to the stadium food service employees. Some of your co-workers, who are already part of a union, include:
Some food services workers at T-Mobile Park are members of Unite HERE! Local 8.
A number of cleaning staff members at the Seattle Mariners stadium are members of SEIU 6.
The Mariners Ballclub has a relationship with a number of Seattle-area unions. You have a legally protected right to form a union at your workplace – in fact, many Mariners employees have a union already. These are the unions that represent or are seeking to represent Mariners and T-Mobile Park workers:
If you’re interested in learning more about forming a union, use the form below and a member of our team will follow up with you. We treat inquiries in confidence. Your employer will never know you contacted us.
Here are answers to questions workers often have about joining a union:
You and your co-workers will decide what changes you want your union to push for. Here’s what we are hearing from Mariners workers:
Securing what you have today into a legally binding contract ensures that what you like about your job stays that way even if there is a change of management and even ownership. Belonging to a union also creates a support network: Stewards, union representatives, negotiators and lawyers will be there to ensure your fair treatment at work, always.
Workers wanting to form a union have legal rights and protections under the National Labor Relations Act. Because Mariners’ management is signatory to a Labor Harmony Agreement, Mariners employees have the huge advantage of following a fair and simple process known as “card check” to become unionized. Through this process, a union is automatically approved after a majority of workers sign cards saying they want a union. Signing a card is easy and confidential, you can even do it online here. Whether you are ready to sign a card or not, we encourage you to get in touch to strategize and talk about next steps with a union organizer.
Absolutely. The National Labor Relations Act protects the rights of employees to form a union. It is ilegal to fire, threaten or discriminate against a worker for their support of a union. What is more, Mariners management has a relationship with a number of Seattle-area unions. They have committed to respect the legal right of their employees to unionize if they choose to do so.
There is no cost to join until you vote in your first collective agreement. Once you start benefiting from your new contract, your dues will be no more than a small percentage of your earnings. Due rates vary per job and union – we encourage you to get in touch with us to find out more about your specific union dues rate. Since unions are non-profit organizations, you can be sure everything you invest in your union is spent back in union members. The voice at work, rights and benefits that come with unionization are well worth the small cost associated with joining!
Sign a union support card to confirm your support for forming a union. Or, get in touch to learn more about organizing a union.
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