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The Mariners have a union. You can join one too.

Forming a union at your workplace will ensure you have a say in your working conditions: that you can make improvements that are important to you at work.

Many Mariners employees have a union already. No matter what area you work in, there is a union for you too!

Ready to form a union?

Confirm your support by signing a union authorization card. You can do it online – and in confidence.

Unions are about workers coming together to have a voice on the job. You set the priorities and improvements you want to see made at work, we help you make them happen. Together, we can raise the standards at your workplace and make what you like about your job even better.

Here’s what we are hearing Mariners workers want to see improved:

Better perks

You like the perks that come with your job but you also want to see more of them. Forming a union will provide you a voice at work to negotiate for things like discounts in merchandise and more game tickets.

Heath & Safety

Working during COVID-19 brings increased concerns about health and safety. You want to ensure you are kept safe at work – a union will make sure of that and bring accountability to the workplace.


Your co-workers have told us they would to see a union advocate for more customer service training, de-escalation training, so they can have all the tools they need to be succesful in doing their jobs

Mariners are union members

Did you know many Mariners workers are unionized? From the players to the stadium food service employees. Some of your co-workers, who are already part of a union, include:

The Pen, T-Mobile Park Restaurant

Food Service Workers

Some food services workers at T-Mobile Park are members of Unite HERE! Local 8.

cleaning staff member

Cleaning Staff

A number of cleaning staff members at the Seattle Mariners stadium are members of SEIU 6.

Unions at your workplace

The Mariners Ballclub has a relationship with a number of Seattle-area unions. You have a legally protected right to form a union at your workplace – in fact, many Mariners employees have a union already. These are the unions that represent or are seeking to represent Mariners and T-Mobile Park workers:

Connect with a union

If you’re interested in learning more about forming a union, use the form below and a member of our team will follow up with you. We treat inquiries in confidence. Your employer will never know you contacted us.

Interest Form

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to questions workers often have about joining a union:

You and your co-workers will decide what changes you want your union to push for. Here’s what we are hearing from Mariners workers:

  • Better perks: Mariners workers have told us they like the perks that come with their job but you also want to see more of them. A union can negotiate with your employer to implement discounts in Mariners Team merchandise and more game tickets for employees, with seats in better areas of the stadium.
  • Health & safety: Working during COVID-19 brings increased concerns about health and safety in the workplace. Mariners workers have told us they want to ensure they are kept safe at work – a union can help with that.
  • Training: Your co-workers have told us they would to see a union advocate for more customer service training, de-escalation training, so they can have all the tools they need to be succesful in doing their jobs

Ready to commit?

Sign a union support card to confirm your support for forming a union. Or, get in touch to learn more about organizing a union. 

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